Extreme Memory Challenge
Part 1



You will be presented with 30 faces and names.

They will be presented individually in the center of the screen.

You will have 4 seconds to study each face-name pair

Your task is to learn the items so that you can correctly identify the correct face for a given name that will be presented later

Do not click the "Back" or "Refresh" button.


Thanks for completing the challenge so far!

In order to use your responses as part of our project we need some information.

Before proceeding onto the last portion of the challenge, please complete the following:

I am a resident of
I am years old
I am Male
I am Right Handed
Left Handed
My native language is
My highest level of education is
What time of day do you feel most alert?
What racial category best applies to you?
How is your vision?

Learning Phase:
Part 2

Next you will be presented with a name in the center of the screen and four faces below it.

Your task is to decide which face is associated with each name.

Simply click on the face that you believe was presented with the name during the study phase.

When you are ready to begin the test phase, please press the button below

Note: If you do not make a selection within 10 seconds the program will automatically move to the next name.

Almost Done

Please enter your email address below to be sent the link for day 2 of the task

Tomorrow, you will be sent a link for the second part of the study, where you will be able to obtain your long term face-name memory performance.

Note: the email address will only be available to this research team and will not be distributed to anyone else.

Excellent Work!

You have now completed the 1st, learning part, of the challenge.

Tomorrow, after 24 hours have elapsed, you will be sent a personal link that will allow you to reenter the website tomorrow and complete the second part of the challenge -- The one that really evaulates your memory -- This is where the important results of your memory performance in the challenge will be established.

Please check your spam filter if you do not receive the email 24 hours after you completed today's session. Please feel free to close this browser

Thanks again for your participation.

End Day 1
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